1988 | Piège de cristal | (Die Hard. 1) |
1988 | Calendrier meurtrier | (The January man) |
1990 | Mr Quigley l'australien | (Quigley down under) |
1990 | Truly, madly, deeply | (Truly, madly, deeply) |
1991 | Close my eyes | (Close my eyes) |
1991 | Robin des bois, prince des voleurs | (Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves) |
1991 | Closet Land | (Closet Land) |
1992 | Bob Roberts | (Bob Roberts) |
1993 | Mesmer | (Mesmer) |
1994 | An Awfully big adventure | (An Awfully big adventure) |
1995 | Raison et sentiments | (Sense and Sensibility) |
1996 | Michael Collins | (Michael Collins) |
1997 | Dark Harbor | (Dark Harbor) |
1997 | L'Invitée de l'hiver (réalisateur) | (Winter guest) |
1998 | Dogma | (Dogma) |
1998 | Judas kiss | (Judas kiss) |
1999 | Galaxy quest | (Galaxy quest) |
2000 | Coup de peigne | (Blow dry) |
2001 | Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers | (Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone) |
2001 | The Search for John Gissing | (The Search for John Gissing) |
2002 | Harry Potter et la chambre des secrets | (Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets) |
2003 | Love actually | (Love actually) |
2004 | Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban | (Harry Potter and the prisonner of Azkaban) |
2005 | H2G2 : le guide du voyageur galactique | (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) |
2005 | Snow cake | (Snow cake) |
2005 | Harry Potter et la coupe de feu | (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) |
2006 | Le Parfum : histoire d'un meurtrier | (Perfume : the story of a murderer) |
2007 | Harry Potter et l'ordre du Phénix | (Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix) |
2008 | Sweeney Todd le dibolique barbier de Fleet Street | (Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street) |
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